Thursday, April 23, 2009


So Kevin is the boy in my life. He is so good to me and makes me smile. He was gone for a week and I honestly didn't think I was going to miss him, or at least not much while he was gone... ahhh.... I was wrong!! I missed him like CRAZY, and luckily he is home now! I got to see him and spend most of the day with him yesterday. And I even told him that I think I am falling in love with him. He got a big cute goofy grin on his face and said he thought he was too. Then he told me he is the luckiest guy in the world and the I am the greatest girl in the world. Then he giggled a little and said... "you just said the l word." He knows this is huge... as it is... because he has seen me FREAK out... and not to long ago at that. But all in all I would have to say that things are going well and that I really am liking this boy..... a lot.....





Melissa said...

sigh... I am so, so, so happy for you. I love it when you're happy :).

Rachelle Sorensen said...

I love this post!

Glenn and Natalie said...

I am so glad to hear that things are going well! You ARE wonderful, and I'm glad that you found a boy that realizes it!

BENVANA said...

Megan!!! sorry, I guess I'm officially blog-stalking now. I saw your blog address on facebook and decided to check it out. I'm so happy that you are happy! you sound like a million bucks! Ah... the joys of buddy passes... My hubby works for Delta Air Lines finance and we REALLY use his employee benefits. gotta love flying for free!