Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So I had the opportunity to go and see a friend of mine in a play with another friend. In the opening number she leans over and says.... "There is elevator boy." Elevator boy is a guy that worked in the same building as her and she only saw him in the elevator. He was cute and se was interested. Then out came a boy that she had gone on a few dates with and then low and behold there was another boy on teh stage that she had dated for a while. Yes three boys that she had been interested in where all on a stage in a play. One just had her number, another dates, and another boyfriend. It was kind of funny..... apparently she likes drama boys. :)


Larissa said...

hehehe:-) I was beyond thrilled to see you guys out in the audience. And J is a sucker for drama, isn't she?
And let's talk about how FANTASTIC that girl playing Kim was!!!! ;-)