Monday, February 2, 2009

Can guys and girls be just friends?

The debate for the day entails whether guys and girls can be just friends. One friend argues yes but you have to go through the awkward figuring out phase. Another, says YES, I have tons of friends. I say, if you know you don't have a chance then you can just be friends.... not to say that I don't have some guy friends that I know there is no chance that I am not completely attracted to. There are several guy friends that I am just friends with and we talk about who they are interested in but I would still TOTALLY make out with them if they wanted to. :) So what do you think.... can guys and girls be just friends, or are they attracted to each other in some way with the hopes that something more can be there?


Larissa said...

This is so good, I am going to blog about it too - go to for my response:-)

Raven said...

One of my very best friends is a very attractive and wonderful guy. We dated seriously in the past with strong romantic love involved. In fact I think it's safe to say that each of us is one the the 'great loves' of each other's life. He is now in a long term relationship with a really wonderful lady and we remain close friends. It's been an adjustment at times but I think once we both just recognized the emotional boundaries that we needed to have with each other, we've been able to remain very close and be 'just friends'. So, yes I do think it's possible. It helps when one or both people are in a relationship with someone else but really all it takes is both people accepting the boundaries that need to be in place.